Edited by Walter Riggi

Courtesy of Riggi Media International Inc., this photo shows some pretty fancy equipment used by our amazing editor & music supervisor.

About Walter Riggi

Walter Riggi the founder of Riggi Media International has been in the music and video business since 1982 and his knowledge is boundless. His love for music began listening to the Beatles.  His musical influences range from Michael Jackson, Prince, The Beatles, Kelly Clarkson and so much more.  Walter’s passion for music and understanding of the music business has made him an asset to the company and the musicians he works with.

To say Walter has a love for vintage gear is an understatement.  Because of this love,  his selection of vintage equipment ranges from amps, keyboards, drums, guitars, Studor, Leslie and more. At Riggi Media all our equipment is treated with respect and the utmost care given to them. Musicians can bring their own gear or use what we have on hand.

This article provided courtesy of Exocet Productions.

Edited by Walter Riggi

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