Trump’s Attempted Assignation

One of the best parts of writing content for my own website is not having to worry about the algorithm suppressing content based on keywords or meta tags. Such was the case today when I periodically kept checking social channels to see just what was being posted about the former US president’s “incident” today.

What happened?

In 2016 when I took this photo, I remember saying to myself “he’s gonna get shot”…and it only took 8 years.

I’m no expert source on news, but it’s been reported that some kid got up onto the roof of a building and fired a bullet at Trump while he was giving a speech at a rally. Being a political rally, the secret service was there, and shot the shooter dead, and Trump was whisked away with a bloody ear and clearly still alive.

Biased Algorithms

So I expected to see feeds flooded with Trump-related shooting news. Pro-Trump people being all like “he’s never gonna die #merica” whereas the rest of the world would hopefully be reporting on the innocent lives that died from stray bullets. But no. Nothing.

My google homepage feed was empty. Nothing on Facebook (and even if there was, who in Canada can even access news links?) and nothing on Twitter/X about this either. I even searched a few keywords hoping to trigger something later, but even the auto-complete had nothing. As soon as you type TRUMP AS- the rest of the results are gone and ZERO suggestions are made.

It’s like all the internet tried to suppress the news? Like what gives? Maybe this was just me and my experience but I don’t think so. There’s no way there could have been nothing going on with suppression or promotion of content, either biased or not.

Go ahead and prove my point with me. I tried to find an image for this post and the google overlords hid almost every image that I saw earlier today with Trump all bloody on his ear having been shot and whatnot, and now all that’s left are images of him doing a power-fist in the air like he’s some sort of American hero. May we all have mercy.

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Trump’s Attempted Assignation

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